Wednesday, October 13, 2010

21 Jul 2010: Piers' Topic

Er... yeah. The topic. Is. Umm. The topic is... ! The topic is... OK the topic is: What is worth living for? No, I'm not suicidal. But I am curious as to what people feel about this, especially given our mix of metaphysical positions. What is worth living for if we accept that it's all fundamentally meaningless and random? Pleasure? Or is it in fact that nothing is worth living for as such, it's merely that as animals we are compelled to continue now that we're on the conveyor belt? So we contrive distractions to fill the time before we die, as I think Paul put it (words to that effect). Or if we believe in some greater spiritual or metaphysical context, then how do we honour that, and what makes our lives worth living in the context of that greater reality?

Right, you've got four and a half hours to solve that one. Free beer for the best answer (I'm included among the contestants and I'm the judge. No correspondence will be entered into and the judge's decision is final).

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