Wednesday, October 13, 2010

5 Aug 2009: Paul's Topic

I'm trying to think of a suitable topic, but not particularly successfully.

To distract you all, I suggest you do the survey on America's Apocalypse. (if you can't be bothered reading the article the link is here - which on my second run through I was an "humanitarian internationalist", which was a lot better that what I was labeled the first time...)

OK, now nice that you've forgotten that I was supposed to be choosing a topic...

So, I'm thinking that tomorrow we'll talk something along the line of "Social Responsibility".

- Should you donate to charities? (or are the ones that demand only the ones that are good at advertising?)
- Should you give some money to beggars? (or is that just proving them with a local maximum from which they can't jump out of?)
- Should you volunteer for the local sports club/council/group? (or should that be just a role of local council?)
- Does what work requires of people now leave them in a state which is unable to have the energy to contribute to society building? (and that stuff is better left to the professionals anyway?)

Anyway, something along those lines!

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